Yudong (Will) Xu

I am currently pursuing my PhD in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, under the guidance of Professor Scott Sanner and Professor Elias Khalil. My academic journey began at the same institution, where I completed my Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in Engineering Science majoring in Machine Intelligence followed by a Master of Applied Science (MASc) from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, also supervised by Professor Sanner and Professor Khalil. My Master's research focused on solving the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC-AGI) using object-centric approaches.

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Enhancing the vision transformer (ViT) architecture to solve the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus.

Tackling the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus with Vision Transformers: the Importance of 2D Representation, Positions, and Objects (Preprint)
Wenhao Li, Yudong Xu, Scott Sanner, Elias B. Khalil
Paper / Tweet /

An exploration of LLMs' ability to solve the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus.

LLMs and the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus: Successes, Failures, and the Importance of Object-based Representations (TMLR-2024)
Yudong Xu, Wenhao Li, Pashootan Vaezipoor, Scott Sanner, Elias B. Khalil
In Transactions on Machine Learning Research
Website / Paper / Data / Tweet /

A graph-based symbolic AI approach to solving the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus.

Graphs, Constraints, and Search for the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (AAAI-2023)
Yudong Xu, Elias B. Khalil, Scott Sanner
In Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Paper / Code / Poster / Slides /

ICLR 2025, TMLR 2024, IJCAI 2024

Teaching Assistant at the University of Toronto,
MIE369 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence , Winter 2024, 2025

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